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Day 318 of 365 Things To Do in Panama

Day 318 of 365 Things To Do in Panama. Join in the "Bocas Day" Celebrations!

The pride and dedication continues as Panamanians continue to celebrate their history and independence. Dia de la Fundacion de Bocas del Toro (Bocas Day) celebrated November 16th, is the day the province of Bocas del Toro was founded in 1903, only 14 days after the creation of Panama as a sovereign state. The festivities include a must see parade of the school children marching proudly representing their province and exhibiting their percussion talents while dancing, smiling and throwing their drums overhead never missing a beat. Along with drumlines, dance groups and Bomberos you will revel in the vivid colors of the dancers in the traditional costumes and Polleras. Those who don't march line the streets, along with visitors to the island, and watch one of the one of the coolest cultural events of Panama!

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