Day 131 of 365 Things to Do in Panama
Day 131 of 365Things to Do in Panama . Run or Walk a 5K to support locals schools. Join Panama Coast International School on May 20th at...

Day 130 of 365 Things To Do in Panama
Day 130 of 365 Things To Do in Panama. Enjoy the 3rd Festival de Botes de Dragon! The Festival de Botes de Dragon will take place on...

Day 129 of 365 Things To Do in Panama
Day 129 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. Treat your tastebuds to Sao (Saus)! It is often considered the alternative to ceviche, and one...

Day 128 of Things to Do in Panama
Day 128 of Things to Do in Panama. Experience Ground Hog Day All Over Again! From the comedy duo that brought you Point Break Live! and...

Day 127 of 365 Things to Do in Panama
Day 127 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. Learn about Permaculture in Panama. Permaculture is an environmental design science that creates...

Day 126 of 365 Things To Do in Panama
Day 126 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. May the Force be With You at the Star Wars Expo! Saturday, May 6th, you can enjoy the Star Wars...

Day 125 of 365 Things to Do in Panama
Day 125 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. Visit Plaza Cinco de Mayo on Cinco de Mayo! In Panama City as Avenida Central emerges onto Plaza...

Day 124 of 365 Things to Do in Panama
Day 124 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. Eat, Drink and be Murdered in a play! Auditions for the Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre play "Eat...

Day 123 of 365 Things to Do in Panama
Day 123 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. Explore the Hidden Beauty of Los Cajones de Chame. Los Cajones de Chame is a small canyon tucked...

Day 122 of 365 Things to Do in Panama
Day 122 of 365 Things to Do in Panama. Attend an Opera Pop Concert! On Tuesday, May 16th attend the Opera Pop concert, an original...